Inbusiness Dergisi Nisan Sayısı
Başta Bingo, Familia, Papia, Molfix, Molped, Evony olmak üzere 49 markasından en az biriyle Türkiye’de hemen hemen her eve giren Hayat Holding, bugünlerde yepyeni bir sektöre yaptığı yatırımla gündemde. Türkiye’nin ilk lisanslı dijital bankası Hayat Finans’ı kuran Holding, sadece Türkiye’de değil uluslararası yatırım çevrelerinde de dikkatleri üzerine çekti. Zira Holding’in ağaç ürünleri, hızlı tüketim ve son dönemde portföyüne eklediği deniz taşımacılığında olduğu gibi 2000’li yılların başından bu yana fırsat kolladığı finans sektöründe de iddialı hedefleri var. Hayat Holding İcra Kurulu Başkanı M. Avni Kiğılı, Hayat Finans’ın BDDK’nın tam 25 yıl sonra ilk kez bir Türk şirketinde bankacılık lisansı vermesiyle başlayan yolculuğunu, daha şimdiden global bir markaya dönüştürmek üzere kurgulamış durumda.
Hayat Holding announces logo change with a global launch
Hayat Holding announces logo change with a global launch
Hayat Holding, which includes Hayat Kimya, the manufacturer of brands such as Evony, Molfix, Molped, Bingo, Papia, and Kastamonu Entegre, the leader of the wood-based panel industry, continues its globalization journey by renewing its logo. Hayat Holding announced its corporate identity change and investments with a digital launch attended by 22 thousand people.
Hayat Holding Establishes Participation Bank
Hayat Katılım, Turkey’s first branchless digital bank obtained the establishment permit.
$1.1 Billion Investment by Hayat Holding During the Pandemic
$1.1 Billion Investment by Hayat Holding During the Pandemic
Avni Kiğılı, as an extension of this understanding, said that despite the pandemic conditions, they continue their investments both in Turkey and across the world without slowing down. Kiğılı said, “We will continue our investments at full speed with our new face. Since the beginning of the epidemic, we decided to invest $ 1.1 billion. Despite all the restrictions, shutdowns and travel difficulties, we have successfully completed our first $400 million investment since the first quarter of 2020. We pressed the button for our 700 million dollar investments, as well.